Why Do I Need A Mask?
Paint and dust particles still present a tremendous risk to our respiratory breathing systems. Respiratory problems are very often long term exposure problems so it is very important to wear not only a dust mask,, but more importantly, the correct mask such as a FFP3 mask for the situation you are working within. The secondary risk or airborne spread human virus such as Corona Virus also shows how dangerous particles can be to the respiratory system. The regulations that apply to Respirator Mask or Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) are complicated. Here at Ultrimax, our 'Total Paint Shop Support - TPS4' is about making your life easier. The following guide simplifies the pros & cons, the rules & regs and the other technical aspects of RPE from FFP1, FFP2, FFP3 to Full Respirator Mask requirements.
Respirator Mask Types
Respirator Mask Gas & Vapour Filter Types. The Correct filter in the correct mask can improve your health.
Still unsure about which Mask type to choose?
At Ultrimax we have a long history of paint shop knowledge (since 1973!) If you need further advice we are happy to guide you. We'll advise which respirator mask and spray system you will need. What further PPE equipment will protect you (overalls and gloves) and which system will be best for your project (gravity systems, electro-static and what mask FFP3 mask or full face airless mask would fit that job better).
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